Micromax has launched its new smartphone the Canvas 4 at the price tag of Rs 17,999. The Canvas 4 has a gesture user interface, “Just blow a kiss to unlock the phone.
The Canvas 4 has 5-inch screen with 720 pixel resolution protected by Corning Gorilla Glass. It has a 1.2 ghz quad-core MediaTek’s 6589 processor, 1GB RAM and runs on Android 4.2.1 Jelly bean. The phone comes with 16 GB internal memory which is expandable up to 32GB via microSD card.
The Canvas 4 is a dual-SIM smartphone which is available in white and black colours and has 2000 mAh battery.
It has a 13 megapixel rear camera and a 5 megapixel front camera with optical image stabilisation, HDR and can record 1080p videos. The phone can shoot 99 pictures in 15 seconds and do vertical panorama shots. The camera also have the video pinning feature similar to the Samsung Galaxy S4.
Which is better windows mobile or android
ReplyDeleteWell, it would really depend on your interest.
DeleteIf you want advance interface, go for android. If you want a simple and fast interface, go for windows.
If you like to customise your home screen etc, go for android. In comparison to Windows, Android has more number of apps available.
Personally, I'd recommend windows.